Friday, May 13, 2011

Guest Book Alternatives

Traditionally, couples would provide a guest book for their guests to sign as they arrived at the wedding ceremony. This book was literally nothing more than pages of people’s names and addresses. As time went on and couples became more practical and weddings became more personal, this traditional guest book was quickly put aside for something a bit more unique.

Guests are no longer writing their names and addresses, but instead leaving love notes, congratulations, and wishes for the future. We’ve seen so many new ways to collect these thoughts from your guests and we wanted to share them.

So, if you’re currently looking for a great “guest book” idea, check out some of these suggestions:

The Photo Guest Book:

1. You can use your engagement photos to create a photobook from an online company like Shutterfly or Snapfish. Your guests can either sign on or next to the photos or you can leave every other page blank for their notes. And if you aren't interested in making the book yourself, check with your photographer; Many photographers are now offering this as an option as well.

2. You can also purchase an instant photo guest book which combines the traditional guest book with a photo album. Purchase either the polaroid or digital version, and your guests can have their picture taken to be inserted right next to their message to you.

Signature Frame / Guest Log / Signature Plates:
These are just some different mediums for collecting guest signatures and allow you to display them in your home after the wedding.

Wish Tree / Mailbox Wishes
Include a sign with your wish tree with some instructions for your guests

Or collect advice a different way:

Have one of these mailboxes set out with note cards and pre-addressed and stamped envelopes. How fun would it be to return home from your honeymoon to find your mail full of these handwritten notes from your family and friends.

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