Monday, August 8, 2011

Poses of a dress...

by: Kelsey O'Conor


I come across a lot of pictures of wedding dresses. They're always beautiful, romantic, and often fun. There's always a sense of anticipation for the day to come, and the memories that are going to be made in this dress. Most of these pictures feature dresses hanging on a door, or a mirror, or in front of a window. But some are hanging on a tree outside.

When I see one of these tree pictures, I like to imagine how it got to be floating up there in the wind. In my mind I picture the bridesmaids holding down a bride in her bridal undies while the photographer snatches the dress, runs down a hill, hangs it on a tree, snaps a picture, then runs it back up. There's always a hill.

Pictures of rings also get my mind churning. But that's for another post.

This one is quite mysterious. How did that dress get there?

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